
The Great Escape

The Great Escape


After the Big Battle against the forces of darkness, the captured heroes were imprisoned in the Grand Prison of the Frozen Valley. Even though escape is possible through the sewers, nobody managed to leave the Frozen Valley alive. The cold cuts to the bones and there is no food, except for the fungi, but who knows which ones are safe to eat?. It is said that there is a teleporter pad in the Valley, the only real escape. By using up much of their strength, the heroes can summon beacons to guide and heal any future escapees.

This game was made for the January 2024 installment of HEJ game jam. This is a year long jam in which participants make a game in each month. Each month has 3 main themes from which at least 1 must be fulfilled, and one additional theme for extra challenge.

The 2 main themes I choose for this game were 'Winter' and 'New Game New Character'. The addional theme was roguelike/roguelite, and while this game does not sctrictly fulfills the criteria becasue it lacks the randomly generated map, but when you die you start from zero, however, you, as a player can remember which mushrooms were poisinous and which ones were not, and you can also help your future self if you managed to create beacon(s) with your previous character(s) as they provide both guidance and possible healing.


The game uses my Third PErson Character controller, so all functionality is available (walk, sprint, climb, jump).

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